Operating a dependable air conditioner is the key to not losing your cool this spring and summer. You can make sure your system is prepared to face the heat by calling an air conditioning repair company to schedule a preseason tune-up and address any lingering issues. You may use the resources from this ac maintenance corona`s website for the ac services you need.
However, neither of these vital summer-preparation steps will do you much good if your system is out-of-date!
Keep an eye out for these telltale signs that you may need to schedule an AC replacement in Monmouth County and beyond:
At the beginning of this year, the Environmental Protection Agency implemented a ban on the production or importation of R-22—the most commonly used refrigerant in AC systems, particularly older units.
Here’s what you need to know.
R-22 is the standard refrigerant that’s been used in AC units from 1928 until 2010, which is when the production of systems charged with R-22 came to a halt.
Scientists have found that chlorine, a critical component of R-22, has been deteriorating the ozone layer for close to a century, resulting in harm to the environment—which is why the EPA has determined that R-22 is no longer safe.
The halt of R-22 means it’s now illegal to produce R-22 in this country or to import it from other countries. However, it’s still legal to use R-22. Here’s the problem: Servicing R-22-based systems will rely solely on recycling, reusing or repurposing this refrigerant. Since production has ceased, costs to charge existing units leaking R-22 refrigerant have gone up and are expected to keep climbing. As a result, it most likely will be more expensive to repair or recharge your system.
More than likely, your air conditioner will have sufficient R-22, unless a leak occurs. Old equipment that uses R-22 might still be worth repairing, if it’s not leaking refrigerant. Otherwise, because costs are going up due to limited supply, it may be a good time to consider upgrading to a newer (and more efficient) system with the help of an air conditioning services company. Then, you need to schedule regular air conditioning repair and tune up services to maintain the efficiency of your new ac unit.
Choosing to upgrade to a system that relies on safer alternatives to R-22 will protect you from costly service and repairs. Plus, you’ll enjoy a system that:
Here’s more good news: The federal government offers energy efficiency tax credits to homeowners who choose to make energy-related improvements to their homes, including upgrading to a more energy-efficient air conditioner! You can hire experts like Kuna ID commercial air conditioning to replace your unit. Visit sites like sharpplumbing.com for professional guidance.